NDIS and Medicare therapy

Group Therapy Programs

Group Therapy Programs

Small group therapy session at H-L Therapy

Our popular small groups therapy sessions for people with disabilities and mental illness are now operating face to face from our office in Modbury, South Australia.   The group programs include therapeutic meditation groups that combine meditations and artistic exploration and TAM Group.

Nothing makes a human feel more alone than being socially isolated. For many people living with mental illness and disabilities, this social isolation has nothing to do with Coronavirus, although our recent climate of self-isolation did not help either.  Even before the pandemic, for many people life was a challenge full of emotional ups and downs that tended to undermine even the strongest of desires to build and maintain friendships and relationships. 

Many people have limited opportunity to enjoy the benefits of social interaction, and companionship.  For many, the feeling of loneliness and despair is becoming an everyday occurrence.  Struggling with daily anxiety, depression, and chronic lack of confidence, many people have isolated themselves even further and given up on their goals, dreams, and aspirations.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. We can re-connect in a friendly, supported, therapeutic atmosphere,.  Our group therapy sessions can offer social support, companionship, and therapy to aid our emotional wellbeing.

The MEDART Group Program

The MEDART Program combines the practice of guided meditations and artistic expressions for a greater personal awareness and insight, confidence building and improved emotional regulation. This group is especially recommended for people who experience challenges with confidence, stress and anxiety management.


The TAM Group Program

The TAM Group Program, Therapy, and Movement for Self Improvement is one of the most important offerings we have ever developed because it helps people who face anxiety, depression, and mental illness to develop greater confidence, skills, and strategies to constructively manage the fluctuations of their emotions, enabling them to improve their emotional wellbeing and connect with other people.

And this rewarding and enjoyable process all takes place within the supportive, non-judgmental atmosphere of a therapeutic group


What happens in our group programs?

In every group session group participants practice a wide range of contemporary relaxation, guided visualisation, and mindfulness strategies to facilitate their interpersonal and emotional growth.  These strategies assist them in addressing anxiety, depression, and mental health challenges.  The participants learn how to regulate their thoughts and emotions in a way that is more beneficial to their emotional wellbeing.

Learning in sessions is facilitated 

A wide range of suppor techniques and processes used in our group programs

In our Group Program provided from our clinic at Modbury South Australia, all participants are supported to develop their personal resources in:

Any question about our services?


TAM Program:  Summary

The TAM Programs begins with a 1-hour preliminary session, which is usually conducted at our clinic in Modbury, South Australia or the candidates’ home if located within the Adelaide metropolitan area.  During the preliminary session  the group program is explained, individual situations are discussed, therapy goals are identified and recorded together with the participant.

A therapy support plan report is completed and includes information on identified therapy goals, how they will be achieved and measured.

Then the 2-hour group sessions begin and include:

The individual progress is assessed in the third and sixth session with final outcome report completed at the end of the TAM program.

Group Programs and NDIS reports with H-L Therapy.

In summary, each 2 hour group session consists of 2 individual and 10 group sessions. The groups are held  on a fortnightly basis.  For NDIS participants 2 reports are completed during that period of time

  1. The Therapy Support Report completed at the beginning of the Program, and outlining specific therapy goals and expected outcomes
  2. The Therapy Progress Report completed after the program is finalised and reporting on the progress with the individual therapy goals and recommendations for future therapy suppor


To join this program, please fill out the referral form clearly specifying which group you would like to join. Our referral form can be found on the top menu of this website or else by clicking this link.

You can also  book our initial, complimentary therapy discovery session to discuss this and other programs in a more detail.  This link will assist you to RESERVE YOUR BOOKING

Follow Your Dreams

& we will be here to support you. 

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