
NDIS and Medicare therapy

Clinical Hypnotherapy

Clinical Hypnotherapy

In our clinic at Modbury South Australia we offer Clinical Hypnotherapy.  Clinical Hypnotherapy  is a client centred, evidence based, professional service provided by an experienced allied health practitioner with Clinical Hypnotherapy qualifications and a membership with a relevant professional hypnotherapy association. Clinical Hypnotherapy offers an effective, drug free solution for the management of various conditions and concerns. This is especially true when combined with other therapeutic modalities, such as counselling and psychoeducation.

Hypnotherapy has assisted many people to improve their wellbeing and transform their lives. Many people who had struggled with unhelpful behaviours in the past, have managed to successfully leave their undesirable habits behind for good.

The power to transform your life lies within you. Clinical Hypnotherapy is an effective psychotherapeutic service that can assist you to tap into your personal resources to better control your life and achieve long lasting results.


In our H-L Therapy Clinic at Modbury South Australia We Offer Clinical Hypnotherapy in Conjunction With Psychosocial Education And Specialised Counselling To Assist The Management of:

  • Anxiety disorders including Generalised Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Chronic health conditions, such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Fibromyalgia
  • Behavioural issues and habits, including socially inappropriate behaviours, continence issues, smoking, nail biting, thumb sucking, hair pulling, skin picking, and so forth.

Clinical Hypnotherapy refers to a therapeutic service that uses a natural state of hypnosis to assist people in addressing and overcoming their challenges. Clinical Hypnotherapy involves the application of evidence based knowledge and hypnosis techniques for the optimum benefit of the clients.

The term hypnosis refers to a healthy and natural state of mind characterised by an increased relaxation response, heightened focus of attention and increased responsiveness to suggestions. The state of deep relaxation during hypnosis is similar to the feeling we experience just before falling asleep or becoming fully awake. This type of feeling is also naturally experienced by people in everyday situations, for example when daydreaming, becoming engrossed in a good film or a fascinating book.

Clinical Hypnotherapy is recognised by the scientific community as an effective healing tool for the following issues or conditions: [su_list icon="icon: check" icon_color="#87C5C1"]
  • Stress
  • Confidence issues
  • Insomnia
  • Asthma
  • Migraines
  • Mild to Moderate Depression
  • Irritable Bower Syndrome
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Chronic Pain
  • Chronic Health Conditions
  • Behavioural issues and habits.

Most people can be hypnotised and the more they practice, the easier it becomes. People who get good success from hypnosis appear to have a good imagination, the ability to keep a mental focus and get lost in a movie or book. Some studies also indicate some correlation between a high level of intelligence and greater responsiveness to hypnosis. High level of intelligence or good imagination however are not pre-requisites for hypnotherapy services. Many people with mild cognitive difficulties are also able to achieve positive results.

In general, it is the person's willingness to engage in hypnosis, which dictates their level of engagement in hypnosis processes, rather than any personality trait or characteristic. This is because all hypnosis is a self-hypnosis, and as such, all the processes and levels of intensity in hypnosis are directed by the individual who is being hypnotised.

This also means that although hypnosis may be facilitated by a therapist with relevant hypnotherapy qualifications, it is really the person being hypnotised who allows for the hypnosis to happen and whose internal resources are being used to bring on the required change.

Both strong willed people and logical thinkers can be hypnotised if they are committed and wanting the hypnosis to work for them. The primary prerequisite for the successful hypnosis is self – permission for hypnosis to happen. Without this permission, it simply would not happen.

The ability of the person to understand the information is always being considered by a H-L Therapist when assessing the person’s suitability for hypnotherapy.

Clinical hypnotherapy is a safe service modality that is suitable to most people. It is not however a recommended treatment for people with psychotic type of illness, such as Bi-Polar Disorder or Schizophrenia. This is because of the different way the information can be processed which means that there is no certainty that suggestions provided during the hypnosis would be interpreted correctly by a person who is prone to hallucinations and delusions.

The ability to understand and correctly interpret the information may also be affected in people with intellectual disability or cognitive impairment.

For people with psychotic illness, moderate to severe level of Intellectual Disability or cognitive impairment, relaxation or reality based guided visualisation therapy can offer a better alternative for stress relief and management of emotional wellbeing.

People with Epilepsy, severe depression, chronic health conditions and chronic pain are advised to consult with their doctor prior to confirm if hypnotherapy is be advisable for them at that time.

No. Being in hypnosis means being very relaxed and focused but still in an awake state and aware of the environment. The state of hypnosis is not the same as being asleep.

No. Clinical Hypnotherapy has nothing to do with losing control. People in clinical hypnotherapy sessions are actively participating in all the hypnosis processes by focusing their attentions on concerns to be resolved, and directing their imagination in a way that best serves their goals. They are aware what happens around them and know what they are doing and saying. They are in control and self-directing the hypnosis processes.

You always have the choice to ignore, avoid or provide out of context responses to questions during hypnotherapy sessions. You also have the choice to terminate the session whenever you wish to do so.

Different people experience hypnosis differently. Some may be listening to every word and remember all of the things said. Others may experience hypnosis like a daydream with their attention drifting in and out during the session, hence not paying attention to what is said from time to time.

Some people may become more aware of the environment around them with certain noises being more accentuated. Others may become more attuned with their physical sensations. Where it comes to hypnosis –it is all an individual experience and there is no wrong or right way about it. It is all subject of your personal style and your way of experiencing the hypnosis is always the correct way.

No. Studies indicate that because imagination is highly engaged during hypnotherapy, memories obtained in this process are likely to be less reliable than normal recall.

Although hypnosis can bring long term effects in relatively short period of time, this change cannot be achieved in relation to all issues and the desired outcomes are rarely achieved overnight. In our Modbury Clinic in South Australia we recommend a minimum of 6 to 12 sessions to achieve individual goals, subject to your specific situation.

Clinical hypnotherapy program is not able to put something into you, which is not there in the first place. The sessions can however, motivate you to learn new skills, develop new characteristics or introduce changes, which would be of benefit to you.

Clinical hypnotherapy can also assist you to bring into fore your positive characteristics, strengths and values, which are already within you. This is done to support you in achieving your goals and inspirations.

All this means is that you are likely to change after completing your clinical hypnotherapy program. You are likely to change, by leaving behind your old undesirable habits and by becoming a stronger and happier person.

Follow Your Dreams

& we will be here to support you. 

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